Dear Community Members,

Rose Paving / August 07, 2020

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As the great Bob Dylan once sang, “oh the times, they are a-changin’.”  Though these lyrics were written years ago, they still ring true in the present day. During these troubled times, it’s important to look back to see not only how far we’ve come, but also how our actions as community members shape the world around us. Rose Paving opened its doors in 1974 as a family-owned and operated company, and since that time we have always worked hard to give back to the surrounding communities that support us. Over the last four decades, we have had many opportunities to reinvest in our local infrastructure with incredibly positive results.

In recent years, we have committed ourselves to engage in an ongoing conversation about diversity in the workplace and how that commitment enriches the communities in which we live and thrive. One of our most effective efforts has been with Center for Companies That Care, an organization that since 2002 has been “dedicated to ensuring social sustainability and improving the lives of individuals, families, and communities.” After some of our members started mentoring in the AIM High Program, which works with underserved high school students until they graduate from college, our organization grew more involved with the positive message and effect being spread by Center for Companies That Care. This year, we were named to Center for Companies That Care’s Honor Roll for our years of dedication to taking into account the human toll when making business decisions regarding employees, customers, and (as it relates to our community involvement) underserved students.

It indeed takes a village to raise a child, and every child deserves a vested interest in the future. By working with high school students to help them prepare for college, we’re not only investing our resources in bettering the lives of individual community members but also in the community itself. To remain a socially responsible company, Rose Paving will continue to work with Center for Companies That Care as well as other organizations that promote the principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace.


Tim Chimack
Vice President, Rose Paving

Rose Paving makes the Companies That Care 2020 Honor Roll