Get to Know: Diana Perajica
For our third in-depth look at a Rose Paving teammate, we interviewed Diana Perajica, an essential member of our national sales division. Below are her answers.
1.) Title: National Sales Administrator
2.) How long have you been with Rose Paving Company? Approximately 1 year, 9 months

3.) What is your favorite hobby? Reading. Most people don’t know this about me, but I am a big-time reader and enjoy word search puzzles on my down time just to keep my brain active.
4.) What was the last movie you went to see? How would you rate it? Wow, it’s been awhile. I usually wait until movies come out on DVD. Hmm, last one seen at the movie theater was Memoirs of a Geisha. Yes, it has been that long.
5.) What is your favorite season of the year, and why? My favorite season of the year is Fall. I love to see the changes around me—out with the old, in with new.
6.) If you were a character from FRIENDS, which one would it be and why? Monica. Just like her, I have extreme energy, I can be a bit anal at times, I enjoy cooking, and cleanliness is not an option—it is a must. What better role to play than to play yourself?
7.) What was the last book you read? A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini. This book expresses every emotion. It is an excellent read.
8.) If Hollywood made a movie about your life, what song would play during the opening credits? “Long Cool Woman In A Black Dress” by The Hollies
9.) What do you like best about working at Rose Paving? The best part of working at Rose Paving would have to be the fact that there is no micro-management here. I know what needs to be done for the day and I don’t have anyone but myself on my back.
10.) Do you have any pets, odd hobbies, or talents? I have an old cat named Princey that I rescued 14 years ago off the street. Her name used to be Princess until I found out ‘she’ was a ‘he.’ Poor cat. As far as talent goes, I can play the guitar, the piano, and oddly enough I also play the accordion very well. As a child of a Croatian family, if you didn’t learn an instrument or your heritage dance, you weren’t considered a “real” Croatian. So my musical abilities stem from a cultural requirement of sorts. I also have a passion for writing. It has always been the number one thing I have loved. I had poetry published at the ages of 14 and 16. One day, I will write a book—keep an eye out for it!